Simple Natural Methods to Unclog Your Arteries

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Simple Natural Methods to Unclog Your Arteries

“Carotid artery disease” is another name for “carotid artery stenosis,” which is a narrowing of the carotid arteries. Plaque, which is a buildup of fatty substances and cholesterol, is often to blame for this narrowing.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world.

and the third main reason people die in the U.S.

Cholesterol plaque in artery

Why does Carotid Artery Disease happen, and what are the risk factors?

Different kinds of heart disease and carotid artery disease have similar risk factors.

They are made up of:

  • Smoking and high blood pressure are the main risk factors for stroke that can be changed.
  • Bad lipid profiles or high levels of cholesterol
  • A life of doing nothing
  • family history of carotid artery disease or heart disease;
  • Obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance;

Contrary to what most doctors think, this complicated disease can be prevented and in some cases even cured. It has many known and unknown causes, such as autoimmunity, infection, dietary problems, and so on. Research that has been done backs up that fact.

B vitamins

Yes, adding a source of B-complex to your diet is a simple way to keep heart disease from taking your life too soon. A 2005 double-blind, randomized study published in the journal Atherosclerosis found that taking 2.5 mg of folic acid, 25 mg of vitamin B6, and 0.5 mg of vitamin B12 for a year made arteries much thinner.


Garlic is a food that saves lives. It has been found to reverse the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which is one of many health benefits that could save lives.


Pomegranate, a fruit known for its powerful health benefits, has been found to reduce the buildup of plaque in the arteries, among many other health benefits.

Fish with fat

fish in oil

Salmon, sardines, anchovies, and mackerel are all fatty fish that are high in omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats are powerfully anti-inflammatory unsaturated fats that protect against atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids can also lower triglyceride levels, stop platelets from sticking together (which lowers the risk of blood clots), and raise HDL cholesterol levels. HDL cholesterol works against the effects of bad LDL cholesterol, which makes plaque.

Also, studies show that people who eat fish at least twice a week are less likely to get atherosclerosis in their carotid arteries.


In animal models, kimchi, a traditional Korean dish made with fermented cabbage, hot peppers, and other ingredients like fermented fish, seems to slow the development of atherosclerosis. Also, it has been found that the good bacteria strains in kimchi can destroy things that are bad for you.


In animal tests, this amino acid was able to reduce the thickness of the arteries by up to 24%. We did a thorough review of the research on arginine supplementation and found that, in addition to its 150 other known health benefits, it can also treat endothelial dysfunction, which is the root cause of cardiovascular disease, as shown by at least 20 studies.


Curcumin spice

the main polyphenol in the Indian spice turmeric, has been found to protect the heart. This has been shown by more than 30 studies. One study found that curcumin protected the arteries from damage caused by blockages (neointima formation).

Tangerine fruits

Good things to eat are citrus foods with less sugar. Choose grapefruit (as long as it doesn’t interfere with any of your medications) or squeeze some lemon or lime into your water to get more bioflavonoids. Citrus has a lot of flavonoids, which are polyphenolic chemicals. Because these citrus bioflavonoids are powerful antioxidants, they get rid of free radicals that could otherwise cause oxidative stress and make disease worse.

Stop LDL cholesterol from turning into oxidized LDL.

Citrus bioflavonoids in particular can help stop LDL cholesterol from turning into oxidized LDL, which is an even worse type of cholesterol that causes inflammation and is strongly linked to atherosclerosis.

A study showed that people who had recently had coronary bypass surgery had much lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides when they ate one grapefruit every day.

Good things to eat are citrus foods with less sugar. Choose grapefruit (as long as it doesn’t interact with any of your medications) or squeeze some lemon or lime into your water to get more bioflavonoids.

Allium Vegetables

There is evidence that eating more allium vegetables lowers the risk of dying from atherosclerotic vascular disease. Organosulfur compounds, which are found in allium vegetables like garlic, onions, leeks, chives, scallions, and shallots, may help lower:

  • blood pressure,
  • cholesterol,
  • inflammation,
  • and platelet clumping,

all of which are good for keeping arteries clear.


There isn’t much doubt that red, golden, and rainbow beets are good for healthy blood flow, even though their earthy flavor isn’t everyone’s favorite.

Beets and beetroot juice are two of the best ways to get healthy nitrates, which are turned into nitric oxide (NO) in the blood.

By relaxing and widening blood vessels, NO lowers blood pressure and helps stop damage to artery walls that could make them more likely to narrow and build up plaque. You can soften the earthy taste of beets by roasting them with olive oil or putting them in a smoothie.

Sesame Seed

Sesame Seed:

The Sesame seed may be one of the world’s least-known superfoods, but it has been shown to treat arthritis pain as well as Tylenol.

The Sesame seed may also be a great heart protector that is especially good at stopping atherosclerosis from getting worse. One animal study found that it can stop atherosclerotic lesions from getting worse. Another study on humans found that eating sesame seed paste can lower signs in the blood that show the risk of heart disease.

Remember that heart disease is not a natural process

that we must accept as inevitable, as an old model of disease risk based on genes would have us believe. The most important decisions we make every day are the ones we make about what we eat or don’t eat. We can use food as medicine if we don’t believe the myth that we need “termination factors” to stop the “inevitable.” Diet can help you get back in charge of your health. Food is the only medicine that can both feed and heal our bodies in a way that will keep us healthy for a long time.

intermittent fasting stops the growth of atherosclerotic plaque

You might be wondering if intermittent fasting and water fasting diets, which often involve eating all of your meals during a set window of time each day and drinking only water, tea, or coffee outside of that window, could also help dissolve arterial plaque. After all, they have shown some promise for weight loss.

Even though research on intermittent fasting (IF) is still in its early stages, it looks like it could help keep arterial plaque from building up. A 2019 literature review found that intermittent fasting stops the growth of atherosclerotic plaque by lowering the levels of inflammatory markers like IL-6, homocysteine, and C-reactive protein.

In a different recent review written by similarly optimistic authors and published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.

It was said that intermittent fasting has been shown to improve number of cardiovascular health conditions in both human and animal studies, such as:

  • blood pressure,
  • LDL and HDL levels,
  • and insulin resistance.

Also, they say that “intermittent fasting reduces markers of systemic inflammation and oxidative stress that are linked to atherosclerosis.”

There are many ways to do intermittent fasting, so if you want to try it, talk to your doctor or a qualified dietitian first.

Last words

Most of the time, you can control how your arteries look and how much plaque they have.

Remember that no one food can magically get rid of artery plaque on its own.

and that you can’t treat a lifestyle problem with pills, supplements, or stents.

Recommended reading: Herbal and Botanical medicine

REFERENCES and more reading

Allen J Taylor, Hyun J Lee, Lance E Sullenberger. The effect of 24 months of combination statin and extended-release niacin on carotid intima-media thickness: ARBITER 3. Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 Nov;22(11):2243-50 PMID: 17076985
 M Thoenes, A Oguchi, S Nagamia, C S Vaccari, R Hammoud, G E Umpierrez, B V Khan. The effects of extended-release niacin on carotid intimal media thickness.
endothelial function and inflammatory markers in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Int J Clin Pract. 2007 Nov;61(11):1942-8. PMID: 17935553


Stanford Medicine

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